
Correctional Facilities Committee

Some of us aren’t lucky enough to be able to go to meetings when they need or want to…. they are in prison. They have limited contact with the “shared experience” of recovery and hope that our Fellowship offers through its meetings. As such, when anyone anywhere reaches out for help, we want the hand of SA to be there.

Puget Sound SA Correctional Facilities Committee (PS-SACFC) is looking for interested members who are interested in action-based 12th Step Work, and those who have compassion to reach incarcerated inmates who still suffer with our addiction.

If this sounds like something that interests you, there is more information in the following flyers:

Group Service Representative

We encourage each local group to have a representative in contact with Puget Sound Regional Intergroup which meets virtually on the second Saturday of the month from 12pm-1:30pm. Please contact us for the zoom info.